GraphCalcPro – User Guide

General Tips

  • Numbers can be entered by clicking on number buttons, or using the keyboard or keypad.
  • Numbers can be copied from and pasted into the display by clicking on the display to select it, and using the "Copy" and "Paste" menu items under the "Edit" menu. 
  • For unary functions, such as x², eˣ, sin, log, first enter the operand (number, constant, or the variable "x"), then click the function button.
  • Some operators can be invoked using hot keys on the keyboard and keypad:


+ , - , * , / , ( , )
enter, return
delete, backspace
s , c , t


+ , - , × , ÷ , ( , )
← (Backspace)
AC (All Clear)
sin , cos , tan

Special Buttons

  • Backspace button: Deletes the last entered digit during number entry.  If not actively entering a number, the backspace button steps backward in the calculation, deleting the last entered number or operation.  Control-click erases the current calculation.
  • Constant button: Enters the currently displayed constant.  Control-click this button to reveal and select other constants.  To edit the constants or add your own, go to the "Constants" tab under Preferences.
  • Variable button: Enters the "x" variable for equations, similar to entering a constant or number.  For example, to enter the equation "3 + sin(x) =", click the buttons "3" "+" "x" "sin" "=" in that order. To enter "x² =", click the buttons "x" "x²" "=".
  • Set Variable Value button: Allows entry of a value for the variable.  After entering a complete equation (including =), you can enter a number and click this button to set the value of x, and the result of the equation will be calculated.  For example, after entering the equation "x² =", enter 4 and click →x , and 16 will be displayed.  Enter 8 and  click →x, and 64 will be displayed.  This is convenient to quickly calculate the value of an equation for multiple different variable values.
  • Graph button: Graphs the currently entered equation. Control-click this button to graph multiple equations simultaneously.
  • Unit Conversion buttons (℉→℃, in→cm, lb→kg): Control-click to reveal and select other conversions. The 2ᴺᴰ button inverts the currently displayed conversions.


Single equation: Enter an equation, and click the Graph button.

Multiple equations: GraphCalcPro keeps a list of the last 4 graphed equations.  To access the list, control-click on the Graph button. Each graphed equation is added to the top of the list.  For example, enter sin(x) =, and click the Graph button.  Close the graph.  Next enter cos(x) =, and control-click the Graph button. A pop-up will be displayed with the list of the equations.  The list can be rearranged and edited.  Clicking the "Graph" button in this pop-up, and GraphCalcPro will graph the equations in the list simultaneously, autoscaling to the first equation in the list.

Customization: Graph colors and line thickness can be changed from Preferences, under the "Graph" tab. 

Click here for tutorial video.